Friday, March 5, 2010

Frijoles de Olla y Pintos Refritos

1. Pick through 1/2 lb. dried pinto beans. Soak them in several inches of water for 8-24 hours.

2. Drain and rinse beans. Place in a slow cooker and add water to twice the volume of the beans. Set to high.

3. After two hours, stir the beans. Check and stir every hour until the beans are no longer hard inside (al dente is okay).

4. Add 3 generous pinches of salt and a tablespoon of ground roasted cumin. Stir and mash the beans, then simmer for another hour. If you prefer whole beans and don't intend to refry them, you can skip the mashing.

5. Reduce heat to low. Mash and stir and taste. Add more salt if desired.

6. Continue cooking until the beans are smooth and creamy. Don't forget to stir them at least once an hour. If the beans are too runny, leave the lid off for a while; if they are too thick, add some water.

7. To convert frijoles de olla into refritos, simply fry the beans in your favorite fat or oil until the beans are glossy and heated through. If you prefer not to use animal fat, olive oil (not extra-virgin; its smoking point is too low) will give a good flavor.

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