Monday, January 3, 2011

TiT, Part VII: Sweet Potato Custard Recipe

Sweet Potato Custard for the Slow-Cooker

3 sweet potatoes, baked until soft
1 can evaporated milk, in all
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 t ground cinnamon
1/2 t ground ginger
1/2 t salt
4 cloves, ground
grated nutmeg

1. Mash the sweet potatoes with a quarter of the evaporated milk.

2. Cream together the sugar and eggs. Whisk in the rest of the milk. Add the spices. Mix the custard into the mashed potatoes. Taste and adjust for sweetness (you are not likely to die from tasting such a small amount of raw eggs, but I suppose it's theoretically possible ... in which case, your having read this should serve as a disclaimer of liability on my part for your weak immune system).

3. Pour the mixture into a dish that will fit comfortably inside your slow cooker. The pan pictured above just happened to fit perfectly into our medium-small round slow cooker. Your results may vary.

4. Add a decent amount of water to your slow cooker's crock. The volume should be high enough not to worry about it cooking off but low enough not to touch the bottom of your custard pan.

5. Wrap your baking dish in foil and figure out a way to remove it while it's still scalding hot. A couple strips of foil folded into handles worked well for us.

6. Cook on the Lo setting for about 2 hours. The custard will be done when a skewer or knife inserted into the middle comes out clean.

7. Let sit for at least 30 minutes. Dig in; spoon and whipped cream optional.

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